Breakfast Club Wrap Around Care
We provide a minimum of 165 places at our breakfast club each day. This ensures that many children s tart the day with a healthy breakfast which is known to have many benefits, including:
Making a positive start to the day
Noticeably reduced anxiety/stress
Improved behavior/attainment at school
Developing independence
Securing a routine
We aim to keep the cost for Breakfast Club as low as possible. Breakfast club is £2 a day for all children and runs from 8am.
Please ask at the office for a link to Arbour- our cashless payment system, if you do not already have a link.
Bookings for breakfast club will be done on Arbor. You can choose your child(ren) days for breakfast club either daily, weekly, monthly or termly. Abor will not let you book your child(ren) slot without sufficient funds in your Breakfast Club account. In order to top up your breakfast club account, log into Arbor, click accounts, click top up account and this will direct you to make a card payment. Please note Nursery and Reception children will not be able to join breakfast club until the settling in period has finished: Reception: Breakfast Club for reception children will commence on Monday 11th September, after their settling in week. Nursery: Breakfast Club for nursery children will commence on Monday 18th September, when they have completed their settling in period.
How to register/book:
Top up Booking Sessions for Breakfast Club:
Click on activities, then click clubs.
You will see Breakfast Club appear as a club your child can be registered for, click on this.
Breakfast club year 2024/25. Click register ‘child’s name’ for this club (on the web this will be in a green box in the top right corner).
Choose daily, select the days you would like to book, ‘select membership periods’, please note you can book as many sessions as you would like, if you want to book for the term please feel free (just ensure there is sufficient funds in your account).
Click next add the time 8-9am.
Click register ‘your child’s name’ You will now see that your child has moved into, ‘Registered for these clubs’, you will see the days your child has been booked on.
If you have any questions or need help completing the form on Arbor, please do not hesitate to contact the school office where we will assist you or email
After School Wrap Around Care
After School (Uk) Ltd provide an After School service on school premises to the children that attend St Francis De Sales Infant and Junior Schools.
We work in close partnership with the school to provide a happy, safe, secure environment for the children to have fun whilst in our care.
All staff have an enhanced D.B.S. check and hold relevant childcare qualifications and paediatric first aid qualification.
Contact Name: Mrs Christine Burkett
Contact Position: Play Leaders
Telephone: 07717 188 235
Link to latest Ofsted report
Times: 3.15pm - 6pm
Fees from September 2024:
Pre-booked session- £11
Ad hoc session - £13
Late pick up - Up to 10 mins £5 . Every minute after the first 10 minutes up to 20 mins, will incur a fee of £10
e.g 25 mins late would cost £10m fee plus late charge of £25 = £35 total
Further Information:
You will need to fill in a registration form and agree to and sign a contract before your child can attend After School Club.
Pick up an information pack from the main school office for all necessary contracts/registration forms and information on:
arrivals and departures
food and snacks
collection of children
health and safety
absence and illness