Lunchtime and Menus
Our menus change each half term so that we are using seasonal produce.
Click here to view our Spring 2 Menu

We are very proud of the healthy, nutritious meals that we offer to our children. Our school meals are cooked on site by our team of experienced cooks. All our meat is sourced from local suppliers, we use free range eggs and organic flour where possible. All our fruit and vegetables are also locally sourced where possible. A vegetarian option is provided daily and we have Meat Free Monday every week.
We will encourage all children to use appropriate table manners and to use their cutlery correctly, so please try to teach them before they come to school. See the document below for tips and advice about this.
We are also proud to be part of the Food for Thought family of schools; a non-profit school meals company owned by its partner schools. Any profit is reinvested in the company or returned to its member schools. Find out more about Food for Thought here
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive free school dinners through a government grant called Universal Free School Meals Grant. Find out more here
If you would prefer to provide your child with a packed lunch we do ask that it is healthy and does not contain fizzy drinks, chocolates or sweets. We are a nut free school, as we have children and staff with allergies and some of these are severe. Please make sure that your child does not bring any nut based items.
There are a number of websites that offer good examples of healthy lunchboxes.