The Religious Education Programme- ' TO KNOW YOU MORE CLEARLY'
In order to fulfil our aims and objectives of Religious Education we use the 'To know You more clearly' programme in EYFS and KS1 as recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool.
We set aside two hours 10 minutes each week (10% of curriculum time) for the teaching of RE, and there are clear objectives and learning outcomes for each year group, allowing pupils to work at the appropriate level for their understanding and stage of development.
'To know You more clearly' is an engaging, inspiring and motivating programme which challenges our pupils. The programme was developed to respond to the needs of children today and encourage them to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and Tradition.
The programme is taught within 6 branches that span across the year. These branches have the same over-arching titles for each year group with a clearly progressive content, enabling children to explore each branch in depth, with scripture at the heart of their learning, on their journey from EYFS to the end of Key Stage One. Children are able to make links to their prior learning as well as identify the different themes threaded throughout the school.