St Francis De Sales Catholic Infant And Nursery School

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Margaret Road, Liverpool, Walton, L4 3RX,

0151 525 8489

St Francis De Sales Catholic Infant And Nursery School

We walk, learn, love and smile together with Jesus


At St Francis de Sales Catholic Infant and Nursery School, we encourage parents/carers to play a full part in their children's education and this includes helping children when they bring work home. Research shows that when learning has taken place there will be a change in the long- term memory. To achieve this, the children need to be given many opportunities to ‘retrieve’ information and practise what they have learned. Homework is a great opportunity for this and provides an opportunity for parents/carers to work alongside their child to help them achieve their potential. As an infant school our main aim is to ensure that children leave our school secure in the basics of Reading, Writing and Maths. The reading of books at home is vital in giving children the individual time to practise what they have been taught and is key to accelerating your child’s progress. Whilst we appreciate that family life is busy, it is important that home-school links are established and maintained in
order to secure the best outcomes for your children.

We provide much of our  Home Learning via the classroom app 'SEESAW'. This is a lovely way to share you home learning  with us and we have seen  many wonderful pieces of homework coming in. Sending work in this way allows the children many different opportunities to present their learning, for example through photographs and videos, enabling them to be as creative as they wish! It also means that the children are able to view their friends' work for inspiration or to add compliments. SeeSaw also means that your child's class teacher is able to offer feedback and advice on their work that the children themselves can then respond to.

Each child has now been sent home with their own individual code to access their class SeeSaw site. If you have any problems accessing home learning in this way please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher, who will be only too happy to provide assistance. 

 Click here for our Homework Policy

Very well done to Muhammed for winning the prize for completing the most homework om Seesaw.
Very well done to Muhammed for winning the prize for completing the most homework om Seesaw.

Homework is fun!

Year 1 were challenged to use the DT skills they had learned in class to make structures, to create their own models at home. They did an amazing job!